Partner & Sponsor

The impact of thoughtful dialogue.

We discuss, educate, and advocate for key issues affecting women to work for a more equitable future. We use an intersectional lens to better understand and represent the needs and interests of all women and use our platform to amplify the voices of women who may not be heard in other settings. 

We are always looking to partner with organizations and individuals who are interested in increasing the presence of women in corporate and political settings, and who are interested in training and mentoring future women leaders. 

Our primary activities include:

  • A speaker series that features notable women from across the spectrum of public and private life in Washington and the U.S.

  • Awards that recognize and honor women’s leadership

  • Working and visiting with our elected and appointed officials on their work in progressing and protect women and girls rights

  • Delegations of women who travel to countries around the world to meet women leaders for informational exchanges

  • Networking opportunities for women from diverse backgrounds, from multiple generations and from varied professions

  • Trainings for recent college graduates and mid-career women

Partners & Sponsors

The Center for Women & Democracy is a 501c3 registered non-for-profit organization. All contributions made to CWD are tax deductible.